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 Holistic solutions flow from a big-picture perspective.

I named my practice Tiferet (pronounced like “tea” + “ferret”) after the Hebrew word that encapsulates this approach which can be translated as beauty, harmony, integration, or balance.

Tiferet, in the Jewish tradition, describes one of ten foundational energies that permeate all of existence. The other elemental forces each have an opposite with which they can be in conflict. Tiferet has the unique ability to bring opposing qualities into a dynamic relationship in order to create something greater.

How is tiferet able to reconcile contradictions and unify opposites, and how can we learn to channel this energy towards solving problems in our professional and personal lives?

The answer is context. Tiferet is able to integrate opposing and potentially even contradictory elements through contextualizing them in light of something greater.  

Within each of us, tiferet is the quality that enables connection. Tiferet manifests when we prioritize a relationship over our own selfish ends, when our desire is to create something outside of and greater than ourselves.


We draw on our faculty of tiferet when we modulate our behavior based on feedback or when we put aside our own biases and preconceptions to engage someone with an open mind. If our true goal is genuine connection, this context empowers us to harmonize seemingly opposing views or competing priorities in service of that connection. 

“Max’s coaching has not only helped me become a better salesperson, he has helped us to better architect our company strategy into a commercial plan.”

~Matt Anderson-Baron, CEO of Future Fields


In terms of commercial strategy, a Tiferet approach is to define a business’s or brand’s identity primarily in relation to its clients’ needs.

When you’re grounded in what the market needs from your business instead of what your business needs from the market, this desire for real connection to your clients should flow naturally into the optimal combination of sales and marketing tactics.


Anchoring into a unique value proposition that solves your clients’ problems evokes clarity that illuminates the best path forward and enables you to prioritize your time and allocate your resources more ideally.

Developing and striving to be true to a client-centric brand identity provides a higher purpose which can create cross-functional alignment and synergy.

Too often, conflict between sales, marketing, and operations teams stems from each working in pursuit of specific goals within their narrowly defined perspective. By directing each function towards a shared goal of creating value for clients, they can instead complement each other as a whole which is more than the sum of its parts.  

I’m Max Gilbert

I’m passionate about growing businesses and developing people through a holistic approach inspired by tiferet

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